Sunday 26 June 2011

Crash (Bandicoot) And Me: The Naughty underdog that defined my childhood (aka: Screw you Sonic!)

Alright, well not screw Sonic. By all means, happy 20th Sonic, you've got a pile of all time greats beneath you (which, admittedly, are stacked upon a bigger pile of all time awfuls), let's hope there's more to come.

Friday 24 June 2011

Whatever happened to the JRPG and does White Knight Chronicles: Origins have the answer?

The gaming industry, unlike any other entertainment industry, changes. With films, we will forever be looking forward to the next big blockbuster while keeping a special place in our hearts for the golden oldies. There's always space - and life - for a genre in the film industry.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Infamous 2 - I'm a hero, but am I a villain?

This week I reviewed Infamous 2 for TVGB. Check that out here; it's a really fantastic game and easily one of 2011's best. But I've got some problems with it, the sort of problems that I don't thinkbelong in a critical look at the title. More personal stuff about what I wanted out of the game.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

E3 - A Halo-shaped bone, a pleasing price point and... well, the Wii U

Over the coming days and weeks you'll likely read a lot of opinions about this year's E3. No two opinions I've heard so far are the same, but one thing is for sure; it's been quite a ride. Here's my overly long rant about the general show this year.

Sunday 5 June 2011

L.A. Noire - Playing a great game, going beyond a fantastic world

As I get to the gym and head to the locker room, I start going over the evidence in my head. Three women murdered, all with ideal suspects, but something just doesn't add up. I'm mid-changing into swimming gear when I start to consider the possibility of a serial killer, and looking back at the common points in each case. But how? The murder weapons were found in each suspect's home, they all had intent... how could I be missing something?